Thursday, May 10, 2018

Mother's Day (Sunday May 13, 2018)

Dearest Mother,

What a delight it is to share with you the celebration of Mother's Day on Sunday, May 13th, 2018! The Spring flowers have begun to bloom; the leaves on the trees are rapidly changing from mere buds to verdant maps of colour; the skies are blue and there might even be a warm breeze in the air. Our immediate family is blessed to reside within a short distance of one another. It is the perfect opportunity to share with you and one another our blithe thoughts for all you have done for us as our mother.

I suspect that at the astonishing age of 91 years it staggers you to think back upon all that you have done for your children in the fulfillment of your motherly rĂ´le. Certainly it is quite impossible for us (as your children) to capture every instance of maternal gravity over the past 68 - 70 years (a period which remarkably covers our own prolonged existence). For much of our childhood lives we took it for granted that you were always there to look after our personal interests and to ensure that insofar as possible we were well cared for.  We obviously thank-you whole heartedly for that relentless persuasion even if we seldom voiced our gratitude at the time.

Now that we are all removed from the sometimes frantic undertakings of youth and growing up generally, it is an enormous pleasure for us to continue to share our time together in what is these days predominantly a profound family friendship.  You will always be our best friend, our biggest supporter and abiding fan of the first order!  We are forever assured, no matter what the details of our circumstances, that you will take to most optimistic view and rendition of what we do.  A mother's love is truly boundless (even though admittedly prejudiced).

We can nonetheless recall some of the particulars of your ceaseless motherly love. There was never a birthday of ours that went unnoticed; at Christmas you proved to be more generous than Santa Claus himself; your remarkable talent for cooking provided us countless memorable and mouthwatering occasions; you were an outstanding entertainer and diplomat; you welcomed our school and university friends into our lovely home; we travelled together throughout Europe and across the Atlantic Ocean with glee; we never wanted for anything which may have attracted our current desire; and somehow you were always grateful to us for what we were able to contribute to the family well-being.  In short you were the model of maternal perfection and a constant source of pride to everyone in our family.

Happy Mother's Day!

Billy & Lindy

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