Wednesday, October 24, 2018

All is vanity

Given my advanced age, protuberant belly, heart by-pass and Pacemaker, it flabbergasts even me that I have anything surpassing the remotest regard for matters sartorial.  But apparently the "Preacher, the son of David, king of Jerusalem" knew of what he spoke (as related in Ecclesiastes 1). Astonishingly my curiosity concerning clothing extends beyond what is purely functional. I am certainly not yet confined to the irresolute quandary, "What does man gain by all the toil at which he toils under the sun?" Instead I regularly find myself animated by garb especially as exemplified in the American vernacular. Evidently my interest is further promoted by the proximity of the sea, the balmy weather and the fragrant flowers.

Almost since the day of our arrival on Longboat Key I have entertained myself with the search of what I legitimize as an apparel imperative - whether a pair of smalls, casual shorts, a Polo shirt, a belt, a plain white short-sleeved shirt or a functional T-shirt.  The only item approaching identifiable need was a wing collar formal dress shirt for studs with French cuffs which happily I succeeded to find at Brooks Brothers (though they had to ship it from New York City).

Today after my early morning visit to the salon for a redeeming haircut I popped into a swimwear boutique. There I landed upon two articles which are utterly pedestrian.  One will complete an equally prosaic piece I bought on a whim last week;  the other is an everyday commodity for relaxed wear but with a bit more presence than normal. The spontaneity of the moment is transparently enlarged by the awakening of my doddering body and anguished soul spirited by the vivid sunshine, glowing heat and peerless swimming in the pool and the sea. I have as well bicycled about 5 - 7 miles each day.  All of which is rewarded at the end of the day with a very correct meal of fresh fish and raw green vegetables.

Contrary to what is advanced by Mr. Ecclesiastes the motive in my opinion is neither selfish nor pointless. The mind/body dichotomy is not to be taken lightly; but the conjunction outweighs the chasm. I have found the facility of one improves commensurately with the health of the other. Meanwhile it is these plain sailing materialistic pleasures which celebrate the confluence.

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