Monday, March 19, 2018

Two Weeks (and counting)

Two weeks from today (April 2nd) we're gone from Daytona Beach Shores.  Our somewhat tortoise-like return to Canada begins.  Meanwhile today we have busied ourselves with small matters, some of which included preparation for our departure.  We have for example cleaned certain items and set them aside for packing in the car tomorrow.  Our proposal is to have only a limited wardrobe for our return, not only to facilitate the removal of stuff from the car between hotels but also to acknowledge that we will be able to launder things regularly upon our return trip.  As for the driving of the car itself my current expectation is that I will not encounter any difficulty or discomfort.  From what I have experienced recently while driving the car here the seat is more than appropriate for the purpose. There is certainly no challenge in the actual handling of the car.

When we awoke this morning it was a grey day.  Throughout most of the morning it rained.  It did however let up mid-afternoon and we therefore went for a short 0.8 mile walk on the beach (which was lacklustre).  Previous to the walk we had attended the offices of my surgeon to collect a "Site Check" which our insurer requested.  As usual the medical office refused to email the brief account to me because of alleged "privacy" issues which frankly I find mostly just annoying, even at times preposterous.  But we already knew where the office was (having been there shortly after my surgery) and it was no difficulty to access or to park.

On our way back from that office we stopped to put gas in the car.  We were not however able to use our new credit card because we were unable to add a zip code which was acceptable.  Subsequently we contacted the banker and he now assures us it should work (he altered the template address to our home address and suggested an alternative to the usual US zip code model).  We'll try it tomorrow to see whether it works.

It is raining again.  There is wind and lightning.  For the past two weeks we've had a period of sunny weather (though sometimes cool temperatures).  For the next couple of days we're anticipating wet weather but then the sun and warm temperatures return, what one would expect of this area at this time of year.  I've decided to relinquish my affection for sun bathing at last, letting the silly habit go the same way as cigarettes and drinking.  Besides the effort was becoming annoying, having to deal with balms and peeling lips and skin.  There is no reason in the world I should imagine that my appearance will improve meaningfully with a sunburned visage.  It will make sitting outdoors a great deal less cumbersome.

It is a bit of a strain to have to loiter here for another two weeks.  We haven't anything in particular to amuse us other than the necessity which I feel to take it easy for another two weeks as part of my medical recovery plan.  I can't say I am anywhere near out of the pain of my broken ribs (though my collapsed lung appears to have recovered adequately).  For that reason I haven't any regret about lingering here further.  It was certainly the zenith of my ambition when I was stuck in hospital.  I kept hoping that I would be allowed the final privilege of wading out my last weeks on Daytona Beach Shores by remaining here.  As we exhaust the contents of our larder and freezer we will commence dining out instead of eating in.  We know of a couple of nearby places we've visited already which satisfy our appetites.

As we prepare to leave we have obviously pondered the flavour and texture of our season here on Daytona Beach Shores.  Without question I am pleased that my medical urgency arose here rather than in any number of other more remote environments where we might have been.  The medical attention was superb, everything from the first responders to the staff, physicans and facilities at the hospital.  We have clearly enjoyed the condominium apartment (notwithstanding some initial hurdles to overcome) and the amenities (fitness room, club room, piano, pool and parking). The staff and residents of the condominium have been superb, kind and generous to a fault. The real estate staff were pleasant and we are pleased that our final meeting with our estate agent (and her daughter) went so swimmingly.  Since I alone spent the majority of time in the surrounding area (bicycling to Ponce Intet in the south and Ormond Beach in the north) I can report that the travel along the sidewalks and beach were excellent.  While I can't say that the urban attractions of central Daytona Beach were my preference I nonetheless derived some element of inspiration by having seen it - the large pier, the band stand and the crowds of people generally.  As for the shopping, our interests are so picayune that  we haven't anything remarkable to report in that regard.  The best I can say is that we found an exceptional scanner/printer at Target and I got two pairs of great shorts at Dillards (part of their in-house brand - Roundtree & Yorke - good price and quality).

After having spent seven years vacationing in the exclusive areas of Hilton Head Island we have been influenced accordingly.  The park-like setting of Sea Pines contrasts quite significantly with the more urban gloss of Daytona Beach. Perhaps the only conclusion one can make in these matters is that, as with anything else, there are differing characteristics.  It is quite unfair to suggest that any two places will be the same on every level.  The one thing I much prefer on Daytona Beach Shores is the emerald colour of the Ocean and its rollicking appearance.  There is also at times in the middle of the night the distant sound of the blaring horn of a train heading south.

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