There are certain people in my life who are conspicuous for their financial restraint. I'm tempted to use a less desirable description but I don't want to disparage what would only highlight my own spendthrift habits. The odd thing about those same people is that while they approach being miserly on one level they are routinely lavish on another. If nothing else the seeming paradox accommodates the inexpensive purchase of some things and the luxury of others. Where the line is apparently drawn is not the compelling need for uniform superfluity but rather judicious compromise. I thus find myself warming to parsimony. The economic inclination promotes practicality over pretence which surely must be viewed charitably.
The stinting preoccupation is not something which circulates in just any social circle. Unless there is assurance of involving like-minded penny-pinchers (in which case niggardliness attracts remarkable approbation) parsimony can be an awkward subject. But there are grounds for elevating the topic to a more abstract station. There is a difference between mean and meagre. For example at some point in life boar bristles and badger hair are not imperative for one's toothbrush or shaving brush. Likewise the sometimes astonishingly clever devices used to acquire quality goods at superb prices can be far more entertaining. I knew a chap who bought solid sterling cutlery piece-by-piece in antique stores. Though the pieces were all unique and did not "match", his table was nonetheless extraordinarily beautiful and loaded with conversational ammunition.
Whatever option one chooses, one continues to prefer a discerning choice of retailer. There are notoriously some vendors who do nothing but reaffirm the adage that "you get what you pay for". The object of stinginess is not poor quality but a good bargain. Surprisingly it requires commercial savvy to isolate those retailers who truly provide something more cheaply than usually expected. The people who have this acute knowledge are not people of limited means; in fact they are often whip-smart and streetwise. By degrees their scholarship has insinuated my own retail experience. I will however temper my perceived zeal by reiterating that the scope of my expenditure has suffered the same declension as my other components. The days of the Big Spender are so passé!
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