Sunday, March 3, 2019

On the beach at Longboat Key

As seemingly shallow and monotonous as it must appear to be to the casual observer, I never tire of trumpeting the unsurpassed rapture of the beach at Longboat Key. I hasten to add that my idolatry is not confined to the immediate area adjoining our condominium where the beach is narrow by most standards (though it is precisely that which I relish for purposes of facilitating my conveyance to and from the sea between dowses of radiation). The primary advantage of the beach is its overall seclusion and lack of frequency except from a very small stream of relatively tranquil pedestrians. In addition when walking along the beach (which, if one were able to fulfill the trek from beginning to end, would likely be no less than eight miles one way) the margin widens considerably, pushing the other condominiums and occasional resort far back off the seashore.  The nature of the shore also alters, sometimes deeper in one place than in another.

Today I am obliged to report that the former division of cool and warm water (lower and upper streams) has transitioned to soup-like throughout. I had absolutely no hesitation plunging into the depths while wandering out to sea from the shore. The water was perfectly clear (for reasons I cannot fathom).  It was the work of a moment to see the sandy bottom several feet below.

Though I began my day as usual with a bicycle ride to and from Bayfront Park I didn't linger on a park bench at the Park as I normally do to rest and to examine any emails. My aspiration this Sunday was to indulge in the blazing sunshine under the azure sky. Yesterday was consumed with the speedy adjustment to the new iPad which, while I won't pretend to have exhausted all possibilities, is now effectively complete.  The new device fulfills its primary objective to increase the speed of access and delivery. Our technological education is incremental now. We have been dedicated Apple fans for almost a decade (employing iPhone, iPad and MacBook Pro). I suspect we will continue to bear the deprivation of the Apple Wrist Watch.

Lest my dedication to the natural beauty of Longboat Key should on the face of it dilute an intellectual depth, I wish to record that we have lately engaged in sometimes heated discussion of our unfolding alliance - the proverbial consortium. I willingly succumb to the on-going advancement of a relationship, reluctantly at times admitting that the learning curve is never complete. No doubt as an off-shoot of my inveterate complacency I flatter myself to characterize the strong words as testimony to a deep-seated affection and thriving desire.

"Into each life some rain must fall."

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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